Saying For Today: We can, by Grace, be a conduit of G-d for one another.
Welcome to OneLife Ministries, an online ministry of Brian Kenneth Wilcox Ministries and Love Light Fellowship. This site is here to lead you into a heart experience of Divine Presence, Who is Love. We recognize “that of the Sacred in each one” and celebrate the diversity of expressions of our Oneness in Grace. We are for peace and nonviolence, and equal rights and justice for all. I hope persons of varied wisdom paths will find inspiration here. Welcome!
You are invited to join Brian at Love Light Fellowship on Facebook. For other Facebook sites by Brian, contact Brian by message at Brian Kenneth Wilcox, on Facebook.
We Share One Life, We Are One Life
Faith Affirmation of Love Light Fellowship
An Interspiritual-Interfaith-Integral Life Community
To all who enter this Sacred Space, we wish...
Entering the Inner Sanctuary
Enter this sanctuary time by settling down, becoming quiet, and breathing deeply a few breaths. Remind yourself you are in the Presence of Love. This place you are entering, within, is the inner Temple. Here, you are One with Spirit and all persons, and Nature. You may use a mantra, or prayer phrase, follow the breathing in-and-out, or witness the arising and falling of all around you as the manifestation of universal-Grace. Enjoy these moments of Quiet and come out when you are ready.
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... something better, something brighter ... ... it will take a change of heart ...
... We can, Together, be the difference … Now ...
*Tracy Chapman. If Not Now.
Spiritual Teaching
Meditating, I asked, from that recliner, That fifteen dollar holy of holies, “Who Shall be my Teacher?”
You gave Her to my mind. I, finally, called Her. She is.
I sit before Her words And hear your questions. What shall I say? Thank you, God.
A drop of wine jumped out of the glass and touched my lips with Grace.
Don't blame me for not making sense My Teacher does not, either, for we drink from the same Glass. Presence!
I don't know how we ever got in Here "Neither do I-- but it's so much fun!"
*Brian K. Wilcox, February 28, 2006
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In the East, sat-sanga refers to a student's association with the virtuous or real, observes Georg Feuerstein, in The Deeper Dimension of Yoga. The student experiences the Teacher as embodiment of the Real. The student has to get up tight, so to speak, with the Teacher.
Also, sat-sanga refers to Holy Company; so, it can refer to a gathering of persons embodying the Presence of the Divine. "Sat" is Sanskrit for "the Absolute, the Real, God." "Sanga" refers to "a holy gathering, holy company."
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The blunt, uncompromising, and compassionate Realness of the Teacher, even the Realness of apparent oddities, calls the student to awaken from the lie of consensual reality. The Teacher knows consensual reality is a delusional mass-hypnosis that separates from Reality, from G-d, from Holy Company.
Indeed, the Teacher will use strategic moves to help shake the student into wakefulness. This is why the Teacher attracts few and distracts many. The Teacher’s love for the True is priority over love for the student; or, rather, his love for the student is held within his love for G-D.
The Teacher seeks most of all to be the conduit of the Spirit, while in the West the teacher is seen - as teachers, pastors, priests, and educators - to impart information.
The Teacher's life is his main Message. Everything he does in the student's presence is Word. He dares to say, by his life, "Look at me, see what is - the Real - within me, what I show you, and you will see, truly see. You will see Reality, and it is so Real you have been looking at it all along."
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Yet, we each are incarnations of Spirit. We each can be a means of sat-sanga - what has been called in Buddhism a Beautiful Friend - for others. We can, by Grace, be a conduit of G-d for one another.
We might not be able to be a Beautiful Friend to everyone, but we can be that for someone. To be this, we need someone who is a conduit of Spirit for us, someone who is such a Beautiful Friend she will upset us when she sees us losing touch with the Real and playing "spiritual" or "religious" games, hiding from the One. We, when in Spirit, lovingly and compassionately call one another back to the Real, and this is the purpose of spiritual community.
Look into your life and asks some questions. Who is a Beautiful Friend to me? Who is someone that seeks my highest good and well-being? Who embodies to me good and virtue? Whom do I feel Realness from? Whom am I called to be a Beautiful Friend to? Whom is God calling me to offer an unprejudiced presence that seeks the highest good of that other? How might I open more to Realness, the Real?
OneLife Ministries is an independent ministry, but not presently with nonprofit legal status. Love gifts to support the spiritual Work of Brian Kenneth Wilcox are appreciated.